The map of Islamic countries in the world is illustrated in a pixelated version.
Because the main objective of the project is old cellphones, more specifically old Nokias,
the game "Snake" was the only game available on these phones.
As you can see from the visual identity posters of the Incompletely Complete project, there is a snake movement going further and further in each poster, splitting the map of Islamic nations. On the final poster, the snake is crashing onto its tail and the "game" ends, just like how the original game ends.
There is always a war going on between Muslim nations and the world but, mainly them, between each other. This is exactly what the posters trying to explain.
The snake surrounds the Islamic country's maps ONLY. It is eating itself out. They are killing each other, keep doing the same mistakes and it came to the point where it became so usual, that nowadays, the media avoids showing it because it is already repeated so many times in the past.
It is perceived as a "game", as a joke by the remaining part of the world at this point.
To finalize, the posters depict the situation as it seems from the outside, just like a game as it is, repeating almost every year, and they keep choosing the same option at the end.